Does Your Elderly Parent Need A Vehicle Fixed? Find A School And Save Money

Posted on: 4 April 2017

If you have an elderly parent that doesn't have a lot of money to spend on auto repairs, and they currently have a vehicle that isn't running efficiently, there are some things you can do to get the vehicle running properly without spending a lot of cash. You can find a center that offers senior citizen discounts or cut coupons, but the easiest thing to do may be to find a training center. A trade school that has auto mechanic programs for students could be the most affordable way for your parent to get the repairs and maintenance they need on the vehicle. Here is what you need to do.

Find an Auto Repair School

A high school or mechanical training center that teaches kids to get their certification in auto mechanics is a great place to go when you need work done on a car. Since they need to have cars that are damaged and need practice, they will do the work for a low cost. The instructors will oversee everything that is done to the vehicle, so it will be repaired with same quality that you get in a real mechanical shop.

Get a Tune-Up and Repairs

The students have to learn how to check and change fluids in vehicles and do the other things that are performed during a tune-up. You should have the vehicle tuned up, the tires balanced and rotated, and anything else that you think needs done while you have it in the student shop. This is something that you should consider for regular maintenance on the vehicle to keep costs down for your parent.

Expect a Delay

The vehicle may be in the shop longer than if it were at a professional shop when it's in the training center. Let your parent know that it will take longer for the students to diagnose and work on the problems and that they will be without their vehicle for more time because of where they are getting it repaired.

If you have a vehicle that you are not going to drive any longer, consider donating your car to the center so students can work on it. This is a great way to get a tax rebate and to help people that want to become mechanics in the future. If your elderly parent is tight on money but needs their vehicle fixed, look into these options. 
